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Radio stations are free to use clips from any of the episodes below. Time codes and descriptions for each segment are listed in the show notes. 

A selection of fully produced segments are made available weekly on the "For Radio Stations" page at the K-State Research and Extension news page.

Captioned episodes are available on our Agriculture Today YouTube page.

Oct 27, 2020

  • Ag Land Values
  • Crop Planting Considerations and Prep
  • Ag News
  • Migratory Bird Treaty Act

00:01:29 – Ag Land Values: K-State agricultural economist Mykel Taylor offers an updated view of agricultural land value trends in Kansas, and if those have been affected by the economic disruptions from the pandemic. She also addresses some of the changes in how farm and ranch land purchases take place, and who is buying land. She presented this information at the recent K-State Agricultural Lenders Conference.

00:12:52 – Crop Planting Considerations and Prep: K-State crop nutrient specialist Dorivar Ruiz-Diaz talks about applying anhydrous ammonia to crop ground in the fall, in advance of corn planting next spring. He highlights two things that should be considered before doing this: soil moisture conditions and soil temperature. 

00:24:14 – Ag News:  Eric Atkinson covers the day's agricultural news headlines.

00:32:33 – Migratory Bird Treaty Act: On this week's wildlife management segment, K-State wildlife specialist Charlie Lee reports on proposed changes to how the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is enforced in the U.S., involving the "incidental take" provisions. 

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Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas State University agricultural specialists and other experts examining ag issues facing Kansas and the nation. It is hosted by Eric Atkinson and distributed to radio stations throughout Kansas and as a daily podcast.

K‑State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county Extension offices, experiment fields, area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan.