Apr 30, 2018
On today’s episode: the weekly livestock market update; research into the composition of smoke emitted from native pasture burning in Kansas; the 4-H Ag Innovators Experience grant program introduces youth to ag workforce skills…
Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas State University agricultural...
Apr 30, 2018
On today’s episode: the weekly grain market update; the latest on potential disease challenges to the Kansas wheat crop, including the updated report on rust diseases; K-State climatologist Mary Knapp reports on Kansas agricultural weather…
Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas State University...
Apr 26, 2018
On today’s episode: the new Kansas agricultural land values report, covering land value trends in 2017; the latest K-State field research on soybean planting dates and variety maturity selection; several insect pests at work in home landscapes right now…
Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas...
Apr 25, 2018
On today’s episode: mineral supplementation strategies for stocker cattle heading to pasture; global nonprofit Heifer International helps impoverished farmers around the world become more self-sufficient; Gus van der Hoeven’s "Stop, Look and Listen"…
Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas...
Apr 24, 2018
On today’s episode: formulating a comprehensive weed control program for grain sorghum, ahead of planting; a new survey of Kansas wheat producers will gather information on wheat management practices; a new study of crappie behavior in the springtime…
Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas...