Jul 29, 2021
00:01:09--Cropland Lease Rates--K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl talks about his new estimates of non-irrigated farmland lease rates for each county in Kansas...he drew upon several informational sources, including Kansas Farm Management Association data, to come up with average rental rates for dryland crop ground, which he says is very useful information as tenants and landlords negotiate leases for the next cropping season
00:12:09--Cattle Fly Control--K-State veterinary entomologist Cassandra Olds discusses late-summer control of flies for pasture cattle...she explains why fly populations tend to build up at this stage of the summer, and offers her recommendations on controlling those for the remainder of the grazing season
00:23:16--Agricultural News--Eric Atkinson covers the lead agricultural news stories of the day, and Greg Akagi presents this week’s edition of the Kansas Soybean Update
00:31:07--Organic Gardening Basics--On this week's horticulture segment, Johnson County Extension horticulture agent Zac Hoppenstedt talks about the basic approaches to organic home gardening...that will be the topic he covers in the upcoming K-State Garden Hour webinar next Wednesday