May 31, 2022
00:01:10—Cattle Market Overview--The director of the Livestock Marketing Information Center, Katelyn McCullock, provides this week's cattle market commentary: she discusses the recent retreat in cash fed cattle prices, which she expects to continue into the summer...and she lends her observations on the drought which continues to besiege large parts of the west and the southern plains, and the long-term implications for the cattle inventory
00:12:09—Stocking Farm Ponds--On this week's wildlife management segment, K-State fisheries and aquatic specialist Joe Gerken takes a detailed look at strategies for stocking fish in a farm pond: how different species should be introduced into the pond in a biological stair-step fashion, starting with the prey fish and then the larger "catching" fish like bass and catfish...he also talks about harvesting pond fish the right way to preserve the population
00:23:06—Rising Milk Prices--On this week's edition of Milk Lines, K-State dairy specialist Mike Brouk urges dairy producers to position themselves through management to take advantage of the expected rise in milk prices this summer
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Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas State University agricultural specialists and other experts examining ag issues facing Kansas and the nation. It is hosted by Eric Atkinson and distributed to radio stations throughout Kansas and as a daily podcast.
K‑State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county Extension offices, experiment fields, area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan.